Gary Grant

I would like to thank those who contributed to this issue of the Salmon Flyer. The time they take to share their experiences with us truly contributed to the success of this endeavor. As you can see when reading this issue you don't need to have written volumes on salmon flies or tied hundreds of them to share your experiences with us. I have been tying flies for over 25 years and salmon flies for much less than that, and I say with certainty that I have learned as much from the tiers just starting out as from the more experienced. The beginning tiers have fresh ideas and probably have solved more problems with their new approaches than some of the more experienced tiers that are set in their ways.

So don't for a minute think that you need to be published or well known in the fly ting industry to share your experiences with us. There are many opportunities for all of us to improve and your experiences are welcome and needed. So please send me a few articles for the next issue.