Dear Editor,


How's that for what I think of the latest "FLYER"?!? "Superb", "Terrific", "Most Impressive" are all superlatives that come to mind. For someone who said that you couldn't afford much time on the October issue on such short notice, I can't help but wonder what January will look and read like.

Bob Graham started us with the sort of thing we all hoped for. Then John Pike took it a step further. Peter Lewis added color and spectacular photos, stamps and color photo copies, flow you make it into a legitimate magazine.

Now if only the members would come through with articles that so many said they would (and all of us agreed to do when we joined), a tremendous publication for sharing we would have.

-Wayne Luallen

Editor's comment:

My absolute desire in putting together this flyer in the current style is to, hopefully, produce a publication that is both readable and saveable.

No magazine is perfect, least of all this one but, over time I hope, with the continued support of the subscribers, to not only iron out the rough edges but to keep making it more interesting and timely.

This flyer, though, is totally dependent on the readers' contributions and suggestions, these are the engines that drive it to a meaningful destination. I need your articles, comments, criticisms and continued interest to keep the "Salmon Flyer" headed in the right direction.

Oftentimes, contributors send articles with the comment "please edit this any way you wish to make it better!". Others, though, might feel that my editing can be a bit much. I very much want to work with each of you in the context of good grammar, syntax and usage. If you prefer, I will send back to you a rough draft of your article prior to publication for your final approval. If at this time you object to how I have edited your work, then we can communicate with each other in order to arrive at something that you will be satisfied with in the final publication.

This is my way of saying "thanks" for your contribution and interest.