Dave Paris

The other day, I had a wonderful conversation with Michel Fontan. Like Mike Radencich we also felt that his challenge was truly a success. Not only did we see a tremendous amount of talent among the membership, but we also saw how wonderful an individual's interptation of a pattern can really be! Perhaps the finest aspect of our art form is an individual's ability to perceive the completed work in any manner he or she sees fit. A pattern is simply the listing and ordering of materials. It cannot give the proportion, density or asthetic balance (other than colors) of a fly.

In an effort to perpetuate and stimulate this free-forn of thinking, I would like to propose the next challenge. This is open to all members and the more flies sent in, the better the exchange of ideas can be! Remember, the pattern listing is simply a color and, to some degree, an order guideline. So let your creativity soar!

Editor's note - OK, folks, here's a chance for those who didn't submit a fly for Michel's Challenge a few issues back to atone for your sins (including this editor!). So let's see some creative juices flowing and show us what you can do.

The absolute deadline for sending the flies to me will be August 31, 1994. Also, as last time, please enclose return postage so I can send your flies back without breaking the bank at same time.

The Challenge Pattern

Tag: Gold tinsel and dark red-orange silk.
Tail: Two toppings and Chatterer substitute.
Butt: black.
Body: Three joints as follows:
1st - Silver tinsel veiled above and below with Chatterer sub.
2nd - Gold tinsel veiled above and below with Chatterer sub and butted with black.
3rd - Black Silk veiled above and below with Chatterer sub.
Ribs: Gold over black silk.
Hackle: Black over black silk.
Underwing: Jungle Cock.
Throat: Guinea/Mallard or Teal dyed red.
Wing: Light mottled, dark mottled, Florican sub., white, orange, blue and black strips.
Topping: Peacock sword.
Head: black.